Pork Chomps Recall

Pork Chomps Review – UPDATED 2019 – Are Pork Chomps Good for Dogs?

Pork Chop Review

Any dog owner will tell you that we’re always on the hunt for new things for our pets. After all, it’s one of the best feelings in the world- buying new toys, and food supplies for our happy pets. It’s actually even more fun when they like the products we’re buying which are why when we first decided to review Pork Chomps, a portion of our readers was skeptical.

In case you didn’t know, there’s actually quite a bit of controversy surrounding this dog treat and we decided to address that in this comprehensive review of Pork Chomps. Don’t worry, no dogs were harmed at all during the revision process of it.

We wouldn’t put it near our pets if it was dangerous for them. So, if like us, you’re interested in knowing all about Pork Chomps in detail, then you’ve come to the right place! Read on to find out more about Pork Chomps.

Pork Chomps Review – UPDATED 2019

Pork Chomps for Puppies

Now, first up, let’s make it very clear that our pets had never tried Pork Chomps, so they had no idea what to expect. We didn’t either and that did make us feel a bit uneasy. After all, quite a number of reviewers online have expressed their concern about the product but- fun fact, that was before they tried it.

So, what are Pork Chomps?

They’re actually really delectable (for dogs) bone treats which your pet can eat. It’s actually a lovely treat idea and comes in various different flavors such as Chicken flavor, Bacon flavor and Sweet Potato flavor. We found that our dogs much preferred the Bacon flavor, but the flavor choice is really up to you and your pet’s preference.

This treat is actually recommended by the vet because it’s actually 99.9% digestible. Yes, we don’t know that either but upon further investigation, we found out the Pork Chomps is actually really safe for your pet. This is because they use baked pork skin for your pet so there’s no raw ingredients used whatever. Raw ingredients such as rawhide can be quite bad for dogs, but you don’t have to worry about Pork Chomps consisting of it at all. We’re going to talk about that in detail in a bit so stay tuned for that.

Are Pork Chomps Good For Dogs

Since Pork Chomps are cooked (well, baked pork skins to be precise), you don’t have to worry about your pets’ intestines getting blocked either and, interestingly, there’s also been a university research done on Pork Chomps that showed that feeding this to your dog every day can reduce their cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well.

Pork Chomps doesn’t make use of any dyes or fillers either and its complete odor and stain free so that means there’s less mess for us dog owners to worry about!



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Pork Chomps for Puppies

As you can imagine, you can feed Pork Chomps to your puppies as well. However, it is recommended that you space out the amount of times you give this to your dogs. Scott Pet recommends that you give one bone treat to your dog a day but if you’ve got a very big dog, then you can opt for two.

We recommend that you can talk to your vet about it as well but we’re not too worried because it is, as we’ve mentioned, 99.9% digestible so there’s no harm for your dog. You just need to be sure what flavor they like because, trust us, once you’ve tried all flavors, your dog will develop a favorite flavor which you will have to keep buying for it because you won’t get any peace until you do!

Pork Chomps are very good treats for dogs, and you’ll find that your pet will run around you, wanting the treat, as soon as they catch a scent of it so do be sure to keep it out of their reach!

Pork Chomps Vs Rawhide

Lastly, before we end this post, we wanted to remind you about the benefits of Pork Chomps compared with rawhide. Now, we know that there are still many old-fashioned dog owners out there which prefer rawhide, but it’s been proven and observed that rawhides actually do more harm to your pets than good.

So, why do you want to stick with something which will harm your dear pet?

Pork Chomps Vs Rawhide

There have been reports that if your dog swallows a particularly large piece of rawhide then that can create blockage in their mouth or intestines which may, in the worst-case scenario, need surgery.

Furthermore, there’s also the fact that rawhide isn’t even regulated in the United States, unlike Pork Chomps which is. It also takes a very long time for dogs to digest rawhide and sometimes if they accidentally get a bad bit, then they might also have an upset stomach and no pet parent wants their pets to have some sort of disease or ailment.

So, watch out and stop using rawhide with copious amounts of unlisted chemicals in them and turn to Pork Chomps instead which completely 100% safe to use and they consist of natural, cooked ingredients which are far better for your dog’s digestion and overall health. What’re you waiting for?

TRR - Jensen

Jensen C

Co-Founder & Chief Editor for Top Rate Reviews. Enjoys playing music and work out during my free time.

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