How Much Does A Piano Cost

How Much Does A Piano Cost? [ Price Chart Included ]

Piano CostThere is no activity more gratifying than playing your own piano. However, buying a piano does not come without complications. People often get stuck while trying to figure out which piano they should invest their money in. If you are wondering about how much does a piano cost, then you must know that a new piano cost can sometimes be too heavy on your pocket, which is why it is important to understand the factors that make up the total cost of a piano.

The most common types of pianos are divided into three categories: Upright, Grand, and Digital. Before setting out to buy a piano, select which type matches your budget and experience level. Let’s dive right into the costs.

Upright Piano Costs

Upright Piano Cost

Upright pianos are one of the most common types of pianos. You may have come across upright pianos countless times in your life since they are commonly used in schools and community centers. This piano is used by beginners are professionals alike. They are also called vertical pianos and are on average more compact than grand pianos.

On average, an upright piano costs anywhere from $3000 to $6000. One such example is the Yamaha upright piano that has a starting price of $4500 and goes to $20,000. These pianos are less expensive than grand pianos. This is largely because of their size and modification.

Some upright pianos also employ the use of the latest technological features (unlike grand pianos) which make playing it a riveting experience for many beginners and professionals.

BrandModel Cost Size/Type
CristoforiCristofori V450$4,000Studio
Heintzman & Co.Gerhard Heintzman G118$5,000Professional
WymanWyman WV132$7,250Large Pro
Grotrian-SteinwegGrotrian Cristal$22,000Console
BluthnerBluthner C $37,500Studio
Steingraeber & SohneSteigraeber 122$47,950Professional
C. BechsteinC. Bechstein Concert 8 $70,500Large Pro

Grand Piano Costs

Grand Piano Cost

A grand piano is an instrument that is the dream of many musicians. However, this majestic instrument is significantly much more expensive than any other and requires serious buyers.

Although you may find a lot of used grand pianos on the secondary market, they will still cost you a lot more than any upright piano. For this reason, set an appropriate budget for them prior to deciding to buy them.

Different brands set the price of grand pianos at a different range. Renowned labels like Steinway and Bosendorfer will cost you anywhere from $55,000 to $142,000. Entry level grand pianos Steinway pianos start at $25,000. High-end grand pianos start at $60,000 and go to $225,000. Steinway & Sons most expensive grand piano costs $224,100.

Less reputable brands like Boston offer a starting price of $39,000 for their grand pianos. Despite this, expect to invest a lot in grand pianos.

BrandModel Cost Size/Type
Cristofori PianosCristofori G410L$8,990Baby Grand
Cristofori G57L$12,000Medium Grand
Cristofori G62L$14,000Large
Heintzman & Co.Heintzman 203$25,000Extra Large
Pearl River PianoPearl River GP212$31,000Semi-Concert
Pearl River GP275$80,000Concert Grand
Fazioli PianofortiFazioli F156$120,000Baby Grand
BösendorferBösendorfer 170$127,000Medium Grand
Bösendorfer 185VC$134,000Large
Steingraeber & SohneSteingraeber C212$147,500Extra Large
C. BechsteinC. Bechstein C234$200,000Semi-Concert
Ravenscroft PianosRavenscroft 275$280,000Concert Grand

Digital Piano Costs

Digital Piano Cost

A digital piano is a sort of like an electronic keyboard. Digital pianos, or electric pianos, are designed as an alternative to acoustic pianos. You can find out the difference between digital and acoustic piano here.

Digital pianos can also look like either upright or grand pianos. They cost far less than acoustic pianos. Electric pianos are much smaller and weigh considerably less. Another appreciable thing about digital pianos is that they do not need to be tuned regularly.

These benefits obviously come with their disadvantages, which is that they do not produce the same quality of sound as acoustic pianos.

Most digital keyboards start at $300 and work their price up. These types of pianos are most commonly sought after by beginners, which explains their modest cost.

Find out more about digital piano review here.

Used Piano Costs

Determining the correct value for a used piano is not a simple task. As we will uncover later, the prices of pianos vary a lot, depending on multiple factors.

However, it is important to understand that buying a decent upright piano is far better than buying a substandard grand piano. Second, stick to your budget and buy from a dealer who gives you a warranty for the instrument. Last, have your piano checked thoroughly by a piano professional so that you don’t end up with a malfunctioning piano.

For a comprehensive list of the prices of used pianos, head over to this website to get a general idea of the prices of pre-owned pianos.

Some things that you should look at when buying a used piano are the brand, age, and condition. Low-quality brands would degrade much quicker than compared brands such as Yamaha or Steinway. A higher-quality brand almost always means a higher quality piano.

The estimated lifetime of a quality piano is anywhere between 40 to 100 years. Mass-produced or economic pianos have a life expectancy of 30 years. This brings us back to the brand of the piano. A better brand would also mean that your piano would last longer. Apart from that, buy a piano that isn’t too old.

Buying a used piano comes with the risk of some faulty functionality. Therefore, checking for the condition of the piano is mandatory. You should try to listen to the rattling of the keys or whether the keys are out of tune. If they are, this would mean that the piano requires some type of repair, which may not turn out to be inexpensive.

What are the Key Factors that Affect The Piano Prices?

There are multiple factors that determine the cost of the piano. They include the label name, size of the piano, and their manufacturing and design.


The label on a piano is something that greatly influences its price. People associate quality and reliability with certain labels, hence, the price of pianos produced by renowned brands will always be higher than others, regardless of their condition.

Even if you seek to buy a piano on the secondary market in an already used condition, its price will be significantly higher than a piano produced by a company known for making instruments of poor quality.

Brands like Steinway and Yamaha are in a league of their own since they have been producing pianos of unmatchable quality for decades. While less-known brands also have excellent products, people choose the more reliable option since piano buying is a valuable investment.


The size of a piano is another factor that determines the overall cost. Since pianos that are larger are more difficult to produce, they cost a lot more than their smaller counterparts.

Not only is the production of larger pianos labor-intensive, but they also have bigger parts that are much more expensive to integrate into the piano. The strings, hammers, and cast-iron plates are all larger in grand pianos, hence the higher cost.

The same difference applies to upright pianos as well. Using parts of the same length in all pianos is not possible, since this would prevent the piano from functioning properly.

Style and Manufacturing

As previously mentioned, pianos come in hundreds of different variants. However, they can be classified into three major categories: Handmade, Production, and Economic Pianos.

Handmaid pianos:

These pianos are typically the most expensive type of pianos. They rely heavily on the skill of the craftspeople and are made of materials of the highest quality. These pianos are most commonly sought after by professional pianists. Because of the labor required and the materials used in the production of this type of piano, its price ranged from $60,000 to more than $200,000.

Production pianos:

Production pianos fall into the middle bracket in terms of their price. They comprise different automation and hence vary in both quality and design. The quality of these pianos is far less than compared to handmade pianos since they are mass-produced in factories and are assembled with cheaper components.

Still, production pianos are great for a family looking to buy a reliable piano that can last a while. For these reasons, the price of a production piano falls somewhere in between $15,000 to $60,000 for grand pianos and $6000 to $19,000 for upright pianos.

Economic pianos:

These pianos are designed with low-quality materials since they’re intended to cater to a specific price-point instead of a standard of quality. People usually buy economic pianos as home-décor instruments. Since they’re composed of cheap materials, it would be naïve to expect a decent tone of quality or stability. These pianos do not last too long. However, economic pianos are excellent options for beginners.


Buying a decent piano can cost you a fortune at times. On the other hand, trying to opt for a cheaper and inexpensive piano model can also prove to be a waste of money. This is why it is necessary to make the correct choice based on your expertise and budget. If you’re inclined to buy a used piano, then make sure the instrument doesn’t fault.

We are hopeful that we have helped you reach a decision through this guide. Enjoy playing!

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